سم الله الرحمن الرحيم
زائرنا العزيز
اهلابك معنا ويسعدنا تسجيلك معنا
منتديات ماللك وانس

اسرة واحدة وقلب واحد
سم الله الرحمن الرحيم
زائرنا العزيز
اهلابك معنا ويسعدنا تسجيلك معنا
منتديات ماللك وانس

اسرة واحدة وقلب واحد
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةالرئيسية  الأحداث  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخولدخول  Muhammad father and commander 13143668991022  
اسم العضو:
كلمة السر:
ادخلني بشكل آلي عند زيارتي مرة اخرى: 
:: لقد نسيت كلمة السر
الكود: ---------تضليل المحتوى
المواضيع الأخيرة
» فائدة التنوين في اللّغة العربيّة...
Muhammad father and commander Emptyالإثنين فبراير 19, 2024 4:50 pm من طرف المهندس

» فوز النادي الاهلي ببطولة السوبر المصري ال١٤
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» ازالة رائحة الفم
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» نصائح للتعامل مع الزوج البخيل
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» وصفة لازالة الكرش وترهلات البطن في 3ايام
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» وصفة لتقشير الجسم والرقبه وازلة الجلد الميت والحصول على ملمس حريري كالاطفال
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» ماسك الحلبه لتبييض الوجه ونضاره البشرة
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» اذكارالمساء
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» من اسرار لغة الجسد
Muhammad father and commander Emptyالأربعاء يناير 06, 2021 8:25 am من طرف Khaled

المواضيع الأكثر نشاطاً
رابطة محبي وعشاق نادي القرن الافريقي (الاهلي المصري
15 هوووووووووووو عــــــــــــــسل المنتدى --يلا نلعب
شات الجنتل مرحبا
لك سيدتى ملف كامل عن غرز التطريز
مواضيع ابريل 2012 المميزة منتديات مالك وانس
المواضيع المميزة لمنتدى مالك وانس بداية من يناير 2013
اى مثل يحطر ببالك --ضعه
يالا كلنا نبارك لاخونا انس على نجاحه فى الثانوية
مواضيع مايو 2012 المميزة منتديات مالك وانس
سلسلة الصحابة كاملة
أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا الشهر
لا يوجد مستخدم


 Muhammad father and commander

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

اوسمتى :
Muhammad father and commander Aon10

Muhammad father and commander Ss6

Muhammad father and commander Ebda4e_43

عدد المساهمات : 4971
تاريخ التسجيل : 30/04/2011

Muhammad father and commander Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Muhammad father and commander   Muhammad father and commander Emptyالجمعة سبتمبر 14, 2012 8:10 pm

May admire Guest if I told you that Zainab daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him was married to a non-Muslim man!

, Said Abu al-Aas bin spring, Khadija's nephew, wife
Prophet. He was a merchant known honesty, and Khadija was prepared by
Is like her son, she asked Muhammad, peace be upon him to marry her
Daughter, Zainab, before it sends a prophet, and he did.

God Akram Muhammad prophecy, converted to Islam Khadija and her
daughters, and Abu al-Aas insisted on staying on the religion of his
people. However, not hated the Prophet to convert to Islam, did not force his daughter Zainab to leave her husband.

Ibn Ishaq, citing his book Biography of the Prophet with a simple act of the narrative
Story and add some messages on the events: senior Quraish came to my father
Aas, and said to him,: difference spouse, and We Nzojk any woman of Quraish
Desired. He said: No, God, do not I die owners, and of love to me by a woman
Quraish. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him commends him good.

And passed
Years, and the Prophet migrated to the city, and Zainab stayed with her husband in Mecca
. Muslims immigrated hidden after they left their money and their homes, seized upon the polytheists.

The second year of immigration, news came to pillowcases Quraish
Future trade convoy from Syria would be Muslims.
They went out in a thousand of their men to save their business, and went out with them Abu Al-Aas bin
Spring. Signed between them and the Muslims place named Badr battle, and won
Muslims, and killed Sadat Quraysh, and the families of the seventy of them, and was among the
Prisoners Abu al-Aas.

Immediately sent
Quraish frees men who were captured by, and this was in effect when
Arabs. Zainab money sent to her husband's sacrifice, and her necklace was sent
Khadija entered Abi Aas, when he married her.

even God bless them Zainab, a daughter of the Prophet, not قرابتها
exploited this, but sent the money to her husband's sacrifice, just as
he did the rest of the people!

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him the necklace, parchment paper to his daughter
Severe, and he said to his companions: if you see that shoot her prisoner, and Trdoa
Wealth, so do. They said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah. Votalegoh
And responded to them.

Prophet were able to issue orders, in his capacity as commander of the Muslim army, the release of his daughter's husband. But
his sack did not allow him to do so, shall submit a request like any
normal human being, and left his soldiers to freedom of rejection or

al-Aas fired from families, and took the Prophet to evacuate Testament
for his daughter, he did, and made Zainab to the city.

And established
Abu al-Aas in Mecca, even if such open, went out to the Levant
Traded his wealth and money men of Quraish. When he had finished it and lock due,
Some Muslims objected to the way, they took him and he escaped.

When it was night, he went to the house of Zainab, Vastjar, Vojarth, and this custom was also in effect when the Arabs.

The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to the dawn prayer and the large
Prayer and old people, screamed Zainab recipe women: O
People, I have conducted a father Aas bin spring. When Peace Messenger
God, turned to the people and said: O people, you hear what I heard
?! They said: Yes, he said: The hand is the soul of Muhammad, what I learned something
Of it until I heard what you heard. It Leger Muslims أدناهم.
Then came back, and went on his daughter and said: any structure, be generous to him,
Akhalsn not you, you do not Thalin him.

God has forbidden, since Khudaibiya year six of migration,
Marry a Muslim mushrik, or marry a Muslim from an idolater. The Almighty has revealed the following:
{O ye who believe If someone believing
Immigrants Vatnohn God knows Bemmanhen
Almtamohen believers not kaafir Trdjaohn not
Are a solution for them, nor will they solve them and illusions
Spend not sin that Tnkhohen you if
Atatamohen wages, nor clung Basm Alkuafr
And ask what you spend and ask what they spend, ye
The judgment of God will judge between you and Allah is Knowing, Wise 10} (60 -
Mumtahina 10).

For this, complied with the Prophet of God's judgment, and he told his daughter that it is no longer resolved to Abu al-Aas.

And sent
Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to Muslims who took the money my father
Aas, he said to them: This man us where have you know, has been
Rightly his money, the improved and Trdoa him then we love
if you refuse it fay God that the bestowed upon you, you are right to
do it (because the Quraysh were Throw them unwillingly from Mecca, and
they took their money and their homes). They said: O Messenger of Allah, we even want it. Amongst yourselves, refer it all.

Abu al-Aas to Mecca, and led to anyone with money from Quraish his money, and then said:
O Quraish, remained one of you I have not taken money? They said:
No, May Allaah reward you with good, lost Jdnak and Via Crema. Said: I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger!
God, what prevented me from Islam has only fear to think that I have
But wanted to take the money, and when he performed God to you and unloaded
Of them, converted to Islam. He then returned to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, everyone
To Zainab.

Another story, Ibn Ishaq said, citing his book Biography of the Prophet with
Simple act of storytelling: Amir bin Wahab sat Jamahi with Safwan bin
Illiteracy days in quarantine after the battle of Badr, mention their dead. The
Amir demon of demons Quraish, and was among those who hurt the Messenger of Allah and his companions
When they were in Mecca, and his son gave the captives of Badr.

Safwan: God, what to live after them any good. Amir said: ratified,
The God not for the religion has nothing I spend, and Eyal afraid
They ranch after me, installed to Muhammad to kill him, I
Bug them: My son is a prisoner in their hands.

Safwan said: Dink, I owe you, and with Aialk
عيالي أواسيهم they stay, I can not help anything and unable them. Said:
Wherefore shut me my business and your business, he said: I do.

Amir sword فشحذ marking him, and then go to city feet.
While Omar bin al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him in a group of Muslims talk about
Day of Badr, and remember what God most honorable, as he saw Amira while Onach
Door mosque Matuszha his sword. He said: This dog is the enemy of God Amir
Bin Wahab, God, what came only evil!

And income
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, said to him: O Prophet of Allah, this
Enemy of God Amir bin Wahab had came Matuszha sword, said: enter that

Turned to
Omar has taken the strap on his sword in his neck, and was said to the men of Muslims
City: Enter the Messenger of Allah Vaciloa him, and beware of this
Malignant it is not safe.

Saw the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: sent Omar,
Laden, Amir. Our delegation said: bestowed am, and was greeting Arabs
Among them. The Prophet peace be upon him: God has blessed us
Greeting is better than greeting Amir: peace, greeting the people of Paradise.
He said: O Muhammad and God that you modern era.

: What was your Amir? Said: I came to this prisoner who is in your hands,
Do good in it. He said: What sword in the neck? Said: ugliness
God of Swords, and whether enriched us something? Said: اصدقني, what
I came to him? Said: I did not come only for that.

: But you stayed and Safwan bin illiteracy in stone, فذكرتما dead
Quraish, and then I said: not for the religion and Eyal have emerged even
Kill Muhammad, charge Safwan bin illiteracy your religion and that Aialk
Kill me to him, and God barrier between you and that!

Amir: I bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allah! May we, O Messenger of Allah نكذبك including
You come to us from the news of the sky and come down to you from revelation, which was attended not only I, Safwan,
I swear, I know what the story but God, praise be to God who
Guided me to Islam and led me this course. Then witnessed a certificate right, The Messenger
God's peace be upon him: understand properly your brother in religion and أقرئوه Koran
And fired him captive, and they did.

Amir: O Messenger of Allah, I was struggling to extinguish the light of God, severe
Harm to those who were on the religion of Allah, and I love to authorize me oldest
Mecca Vadauhm to God and His Messenger and to Islam, may God
Guide them, and the only trouble they caused in their religion as you traumatized friends in their religion,
Authorized him.

Safwan bin illiteracy, when he went Amir, says the Quraish: Cheer incident
Brings you now on تنسيكم days the battle of Badr. And was asking him stirrups,
Even foot passengers and told him become Muslim, swore that does not speak to him or help him do little
Never. Amir was submitted to Mecca, sued by calling Islam as promised.

The way to God
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Muhammad father and commander
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» This is Muhammad the Prophet
» Of the nicest read about master of creation (Muhammad, peace be upon him)

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